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Dr. Reckeweg R41 Drops For Sexual Weakness

Dr. Reckeweg R41 Drops For Sexual Weakness

Sexual wellness can be defined as a blend of physical, mental, and social well-being of an individual that has a connection with sexuality. Lack of energy, fatigue and anxiety can lead to unhappy sex life.

Reckeweg R41 Sexual Weakness Drops is a homoeopathic medicine for early discharge. The formation of rings can be noticed in albuminous molecules bringing about a rarefication of water and consequent parching. After-effects of debilitating diseases, overwork on physical or other planes, overexcitement, nervous exhaustion. Against various kinds of ailments in oldage. As these albuminous molecules lose their working efficacy they can no longer fulfil their detoxicant role towards the cells. This in turn means an accumulation of harmful tissues. The composition of R41 is adapted in such a way as to influence the different systems, with special emphasis on the vitality glands. It is universally admitted that the function of the germinal glands affects the whole life-current in an individual.

Key Benefits of Dr. Reckeweg R41 Drops

  • Acts as a tonic for impotence and lack of libido
  • Increases the vitality and reduces weakness
  • Specific effect in cases of disturbances after debilitating illnesses
  • Increases the concentration
  • Treats hypochondria and senile debility
  • Strengthens the genital organs and reduces the nervous exhaustion
  • Acts in cases of exhaustion of all cellular functions, fatigue, aversion and repugnance for coition
  • Acts as substitute and stimulant for organotherapeutic sense
  • Controls involuntary seminal discharge in men

General Indications for Dr. Reckeweg R41 Drops

  • Lack of vitality
  • Asthenia
  • Spermatorrhoea
  • General debility especially in men
  • After-effects of debilitating diseases
  • Overwork on physical or other planes
  • Overexcitement
  • Nervous exhaustion
  • In various kind of ailments in old-age

Mode of action of individual ingredients in Dr. Reckeweg R41

Acidum phosphoricum: Tonic in cases of impotence and lack of libido. Sexual power deficient; testicles tender and swollen. Absence of sexual desire. Frequent erections in morning in bed, when standing, without desire for coition. Weakness of sexual organs, with onanism and little sexual desire. Exhaustion after coition. Emissions at night and during stool. Stamina deficient, testicles tender and swollen. Parts relax during embrace. Weakness with nervous exhaustion.

Agnus castus: For vitality, with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy. No erections. Parts cold, relaxed. Desire gone, scanty emission without ejaculation. Loss of prostatic fluid on straining. Gleety discharge. Impotence, parts cold, relaxed desire gone, scanty emission without ejaculation. Loss of prostatic fluid on straining

China: Specific effect in cases of disturbances after debilitating illnesses. Frequent emissions, debility from exhausting discharges.

Conium: Angry irritations, lack of concentration. Hypochondria and senile debility. Desire increased and power decreased nervousness with feeble erection. Testicles hard and enlarged. Effects of suppressed sexual appetite.

Damiana: Strengthens the genital regions. Used weakness from nervous prostration. Said to be of use in sexual neurasthenia, impotency sexual debility from nervous prostration. Incontinence of old people. Chronic prostatic discharge.

Sepia: Acts in cases of exhaustion of all cellular functions, fatigue, aversion, repugnance for coition. Organs cold, offensive perspiration, gleet, discharge from urethra only during night no pain. Complaints from coition. Condylomata surround the head of penis.

Testes: Acts as a substitute and stimulant in the organotherapeutic sense

Dosages of Dr. Reckeweg R41 Homeopathic Medicine

  • 2-3 times daily of 15 drops in a little water before meals or as prescribed by your physician
  • In cases of long standing to achieve more rapid result, for 2-3 days 10-15 drops every 1-2 hours or as prescribed by your physician
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