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Homeopathy Medicine for Injuries & Fractures

A fracture is a broken bone. It can range from a thin crack to a complete break.

Commonly used Homeopathic medicine for Injuries and Fractures are Arnica Montana, Bellis Per, Calendula, Causticum, Echinacea, Helleborus, Hypericum, Ledum Pal, Natrum Sulph, Pyrogen, Ruta, Silicea, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Symphytum, Calendula, Cineria, Ruta G etc.

Homeopathy Medicine for Injuries & Fractures

Commonly used Homeopathic products for Injuries and Fractures are B26 Injury Drops, Calci Aid, R34, R55, Dr Advice No. 19 Bone Disease, Dr Advice No. 43 Fracture, Dr Advice No. 112 Metrical-D, Dr Advice No. 113 Oestiocal-D, Adel 26, Adel 75, Drox 15 Hammaverin Drops, Bico 36 Fracture, Calcitone Syrup, AT-Tabs, Orthomuc Ointment, Orthomux Massage Oil, Rheumacin Liniment, Calendol Special Cream, Topi Arnica, Relaxomuv Ointment, Omeo Calcium, Sept Aid Spray etc.

Buy Online Homeopathic Medicines for Injuries and Fractures

Buy Online Homeopathic Medicines for Injuries and Fractures. Take Homeopathy consultation and treatment for Injuries and Fractures of long duration or any other issue from our experts online.

Injuries and Fractures Causes and Symptoms:

  • Injuries and Fractures Causes:
  • Falls or Accidents
  • Brittle bones
  • Weak bones due to defective development
  • Osteoporosis
  • Injuries and Fractures Symptoms:
  • Pain in the injured area
  • Swelling in the injured area
  • Warmth, bruising, or redness in the injured area
  • Deformity of an arm or leg.
  • Pain in the injured area that gets worse when the area is moved or pressure is applied.
  • Loss of function in the injured area.
  • Immobility of the Joint
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