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Online Homeopathic Doctor

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Free Online consultations or e-consultations Homeopathy, Ayurvedic and unani by our doctor via video call, call, mail or message at your comfort zones at any time when you want.

After the call, our experts will send the prescription on your email. The medicine could be bought from our online store www.emedicinehub.com or from the links sent in the prescription, or any homeopathic store near as per your convenience. Talk to a doctor online now in your comfort zone and get rid of your problems now.

Homoeopathy sees a person as a whole. For treating a person, homoeopathy studies a persons likes, dislikes, Temperament, constitution, emotional and physical responses,his family history etc.

Please try to us as much information as possible so that the most accurate medicine can be found for you. You can ask for any health related query from us.

Book your free homeopathic consultation now and talk to our health experts and discuss your health concerns with them and get rid of them today with the best of homeopathy.

Consultation Charges: Rs. 200
Valid For: 7 DAYS
Consultation Person: Unlimited
Personal deltails
  • Name*
  • Age/ DOB *
  • Sex *
  • Occupation
  • Marital Status
  • Height (cm) *
  • Weight (kg) *
  • Blood Pressure
  • Address *
  • Mobile No. *
  • Email Id *
  • Full picture of the patient
Are you suffering from any of the following problems
  • Skin & Hair Related Issues
  • Bone & Joint Problems
  • Genito-Urinary Problems
  • Women Health
  • Male Sexual Health
  • Stomach Related Problems
  • Dental Issues
  • Ear, Nose & Throat
  • Heart Related Problems
  • Child Related Problems
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Neurology Related Issues
  • Pre-existing Condition?
Present Disease *

(Complaint, cause of the complain, duration of the complaint, problem increases or decreases during for eg pain in leg during morning and gets better by pressing )

  • Present Disease
    Picture of the area of the complaint eg any skin disease
Past History

[We need to know this because sometimes current problem relates with previous ones] (Any major Illness, Surgery, Accidents, Hospitalization, Vaccunation, Drug Reaction, Animal Bites in the past age which occured)

  • AGE
Personal History
  • Diet
  • Food

  • Relationship at Home and Workplace
Any Habbits
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco Chewing
  • Sleeping Pills
  • Laxatives Or Purgatives
  • Exercise
  • Any Others
  • Any Hobbies
  • Any Allergies
Family History

(Any disease in your grand parents, parents, any siblings or present in family)

Female History

(Any disease in your grand parents, parents, any siblings or present in family)

  • Menarche 1st Occurance Of Menses
  • Menopause Cesation Of Menses
  • Menstrual Cycle Duration
  • Any complaint before During Or After Menses
  • No. Of children
  • Any complication in pregnancy
  • Mode of delivery
  • Any Abortion
Physical Generals
  • Appetite
  • No. of times in a day
  • Thirst
  • Desire
  • Craving
  • Dislike (Does not like to eat)
  • Disagree (Causes problem after eating)
  • Taste
  • Perspiration (Odour, Stains the Cloth, Location on the body, Quantity)
  • Stool (Character, no. of times/ day)
  • Urine (Character, no. of times/ day)
  • Sleep (Pattern, Position)
  • Dreams (Any recurrent dream)
  • Weather you prefer
  • Sensitivity (Light, Noise, Neck ties, Closed rooms, Travelling in vehicles)
  • Picture of the tongue
Mental Symptoms

(Your General Nature, Emotions, Understanding, Memory, Fear, lifestyle, Decision making qualtiy, Stress, Extrovert Or Introvert, How do you take critism, Attachment, Any Anxiety)

Life Space

(Family history and social environment in which you live, No. Of friends, how quickly you mix with new people)


(If done recently) Upload pictures- of your reports

Anything else you would like to tell
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