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Adel Acid Picricum30 CH (10 ml)

Adel Acid Picricum 30 CH (10 ml)

Brain-fag, Debility, Neurasthenia, Spinal Diseases, Writer's Cramp.


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                    Drops

Common Name:   Carbazotic Acid, Tri-nitro-carbolic Acid

This acid acts upon brain; spinal cord; lumbar region; occiput; kidneys and sexual organs. Weakness; heavy, tired feeling, in body and mind. Degeneration of the spinal cord; with paralysis. Spasms; from myelitis. Easy prostration. Progressive pernicious anaemia. Prickling as of needles. Burning in many parts; along spine; in legs. Cachexia. Worn out persons, mentally and physically. Numbness. Formication. Neurasthenia. Acute ascending paralysis. Uremia; with complete anuria. Typist’s palsy. Causes degeneration of the spinal cord, with paralysis. Brainfag and sexual excitement. Acts upon the generative organs probably through the lumbar centers of the spinal cord; prostration, weakness and pain of back, pins and needle sensation in extremities. Muscular debility. Myelitis with spasms and prostration. Writer's palsy. Progressive, pernicious anamia. Sallow complexion.

Acne. Anaemia. Boils. Brain, base of, pain in. Brain-fag. Burns. Cancerous cachexia. Condylomata. Debility. Diabetes. Ears, boils in. Emissions. Enuresis. Epistaxis. Erotomania. Erythema. Haemoglobinuria. Hands, perspiration of. Headache, of students. Hemiplegia. Jaundice. Leucocythaemia. Liver, congestion of; fatty. Locomotor ataxia. Lumbago. Myelitis. Neurasthenia. Otitis. Paralysis. Paraplegia. Pernicious anaemia. Priapism. Pruritus vulvae. Self-abuse. Spinal exhaustion. Spinal irritation. Spinal sclerosis. Styes. Sycosis. Urine, bloody. Writer's cramp.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Progressive weariness from a slight feeling of fatigue on motion to complete paralysis
  • Burning along the spine & great weakness of spine & back, softening of cord
  • Brainfag of literary or business people. Slightest excitement, mental exertion or over work brings on headache & causes burning along the spine
  • Headache of students, teachers ad overworked business men, from grief or depressing emotions, in occipital-cervical region, brought on by slightest motion or mental exertion. 
  • Burning along spine and great weakness of spine and back.
  • Tired heavy feeling all over body, especially of limbs aggravate on exertion.
  • Small boils in any part of body, but not especially in external auditory cannal.
  • Great sexual desire with emissions leading to impotency
  • Small painful boils especially in the external auditory meatus.
  • Burns of first & second degree.
  • Male: Lascivious thoughts in presence of any woman. Priapism, penis distended. Hard erections, with pain in testicles up spermatic cord. Extreme prostration from frequent seminal emissions. Impotency, with tendency to boils and carbuncles.
  • Progressive Pernicious Anaemia
  • Sleepy during day and sleepless during night.
  • Dribbling micturition. Urine contains much indican, granular cylinders and fatty degenerated epithelium. Inflammation of kidneys with profound weakness, dark, bloody, scanty urine. Nightly urging.


  • Worse: least exertion, especially mental, after sleep, wet weather. A summer or hot weather remedy; patient is worse then. Seminal losses. Fatigue. Study.
  • Better: from cold air, cold water, tight pressure. Rest.  Bandaging. In sun.

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