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Adel Asarum Europaeum30 CH (10 ml)

Adel Asarum Europaeum 30 CH (10 ml)

For alcohol addiction, Constant yawning and fainting, Constant nausea, Cold shivers.


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  European Snake Root

Family:                 Aristolochiaceae

Asarum produces a remarkable state of OVERSENSITIVENESS OF NERVES; scratching on silk or linen, rattle of paper is unbearable, not only that but even the idea that someone might scratch with finger tip or nail produces a disagreeable thrill, through him. Cold shivers from any emotion is also a marked symptom. Pressure, tension and contractive sensation are also leading features; patient thinks that his whole body or single parts were being pressed together. It is suitable to literary men of sedentary habits who shrink from cold or always feel cold. Mucous discharges are glairy. Lightness as if floating. Drunkards. Pains and spasmodic muscular actions. Nervous deafness and asthenopia. 

Alcoholism. Anus, prolapse of. Catarrhs. Cholerine. Diarrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Eyes, affections of; operations on. Fidgets. Headache. Hysteria. Levitation, sensation of. Typhus. Dysentry. Nausea

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Nervous irritability and exaltation, Sensation as though whole body or single parts were being pressed together.
  • Imagines he is hovering in the air like a spirit, lightness of all the limbs
  • Pain as from contraction in forehead, temples, and behind ear, with watering and burning of the eyes, worse afternoon, better when sitting, and by washing 
  • Eyes inflamed, bleared, staring, Weak sight, worse bright light.
  • Cold air or cold water very pleasant to the eyes, sunshine, light and wind are intolerable.
  • Several symptoms are worse in cold, dry weather, in clear, fine weather, in dry weather, better In damp, wet weather, on wetting affected parts.
  • Cold shivers from any emotion
  • Oversensitiveness of nerves, scratching of linen or  silk, crackling of paper is unbearable.
  • Constant nausea aggravated after eating with clean tongue
  • Longing for alcohol even herediary tendency to alcohol
  • Sensation as if ear were plugged up with some foreign substance
  • Great faintness & constant yawning
  • Unconquerable longing for alcohol, a popular remedy in Russia for drunkards.
  • Great faintness and constant yawning.
  • Horrible sensation of pressing, digging in the stomach when waking in the morning.


  • Worse: in cold dry weather; penetrating sounds.
  • Better:  from washing; in damp and wet weather.

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