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Adel Caladium Seguinum 1X (Q) (20ml)

Adel Caladium Seguinum 1X (Q) (20ml)

Lack of Stamina, loss of confidence, Early ejaculation, Weak Erections, Impotency, Asthma



Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name: American Arum

Family:                 Araceae

It has a special action on GENITAL ORGANS of both sexes. Masturbation, and its results in men; pruritus vulvae in females; which may sometimes be due to thread worms finding their way into vagina, inducing masturbation and even nymphomania. There is Coldness of single parts and a great desire to lie down and aversion to motion  with aggravation on lying on left side; but if he makes the effort he is strong enough. Attacks, like fainting, after writing and thinking; when lying down or when rising. DRYNESS of parts which are usually moist. Dry feeling Modifies craving for tobacco. Tobacco heart. Asthma, alternating with itching rash. Lascivious, ogles women on the street; but impotent. Unable to walk with closed eyes. Mosquito bites that itch and burn intensely. Slightest noise startles from sleep. Modifies craving for tobacco. Asthmatic complaints

Asthma. Dropsical swellings. Gleet. Impotence. Irritation. Nymphomania. Pruritus vaginae. Spermatorrhoea. Typhoid. Typhus. Worms. Fever.

Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Eructations,frequent of very little wind as if stomach were full of dry food,
  • Pruritius vaginae inducing, specially during pregnancy with mucous discharge
  • Impotency: Penis is relaxed with sexual desire, excitement & mental depression. There is no erection even after caress, no emission, no orgasm during an embrace
  • Falls asleep during evening fever & wakes when stops
  • Aversion to motion, dread to move.
  • Sweet sweat attracts the flies
  • No erections, even after caress, no  emission, no orgasm during an embrace.
  • Very sensitive to noise, slightest noise startles from sleep
  • Mosquito & insect bites burn & itch intensely
  • Destroys craving for tobacco
  • Catarrhal asthma, mucus not readily raised, but better expectoration. Hard cough, with asthma.
  • Itching rash alternates with asthma


  • Worse: motion.
  • Better: after sweat, after sleeping in daytime

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