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Adel Hydrastis Canadensis 1X (Q) (20ml)

Adel Hydrastis Canadensis 1X (Q) (20ml)

Mouth ulcers,Tonic for appetite, ear pain, catarrh, Coryza, eczema, Cancer, Leucorrhoea



Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:         Drops

Special action on mucous membranes. Thick, yellowish, ropy secretions are characteristic. Discharges from any of the outlets-throat, stomach, uterus, urethra. Suited to the old and those who are easily-tired. A false sense of heightened perception and clearing of the head. Muscles feel weak and digestion is poor. Affections of the liver. Helpful in cases of cancer when pain predominates. Goitre of puberty and pregnancy.

Alcohilsm, Asthma, Cancer, Constipation, Corns, Dyspepsia, Ear affections, Haemorrhoids, Jaundice, Leucorrhoea, Ulcers

Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Tongue appears white and swollen with imprint of teeth.
  • Tongue feels burnt.
  • Throat feels raw with sensation of excoriation. Hawks up thick and yellow mucus. 
  • Cancer & pre-cancerous state, ulceration has taken place when pain in the principal symptom
  • Cancers are hard & adherent, skin mottled & parched
  • Constipation, with sinking feeling in stomach, and dull headache. During stool, smarting pain in rectum. After stool, long-lasting pain
  • Hæmorrhoids; even a light flow exhausts.
  • Thick and stickydischarge from posterior nares to throat. Discharge that burns and corrodes. Offensive odour from the nose. Has to blow the nose all the time.
  • Leucorrhœa, worse after menses, acrid and corroding, shreddy, tenacious. 

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