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Adel Kalmia Latifolia30 CH (10 ml)

Adel Kalmia Latifolia 30 CH (10 ml)

For headache, Albuminuria, cardiac complaints, Hot flushes, vertigo, Rheumatism


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name: Mountain Laurel

Family:                 Ericaceae

It affects the NERVES, HEART, circulation. Pains are neuralgic, with tingling, numbness; trembling or paralytic weakness. Pains shift rapidly; shooting outward along the nerves; with much nausea and slow pulse. Aching, bruised stiff feeling. Dull tearing, crushing pain, moving downwards; pain alternating, with cardiac symptoms, or between upper and lower limbs. Rheumatism, syphilitic. Neuralgia, after the disappearance of herpetic eruptions. Motion brings on complaints. Albuminuria. Great weakness with neuralgia. Nausea and a slow pulse is a characteristic feature. Helpful in cases of heart troubles. Weakness of limbs.

Angina pectoris. Blindness. Bright's disease. Dropsy. Dysmenorrhœa. Gastralgia. Globus hystericus. Gout. Headache. Heart, disease of. Herpes zoster; neuralgia after. Keratitis. Leucorrhœa. Locomotor ataxia. Lumbago. Neuralgia. Paraplegia. Ptosis. Pregnancy, albuminuria of. Retinitis albuminurica. Rheumatism. Rumination. Scleroderma. Sclerotitis. Somnambulism. Sun-headaches. Syphilitic sore throat. Tinnitus. Tobacco, effects of. Vertigo. Vomiting.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Adapted to acute neuralgia, rheumatism, gouty complaints, especially when heart is involved as a sequel of rheumatism or gout.
  • Pains sticking, darting, pressing, shooting in a downward direction; attended or succeeded by numbness of affected part. 
  • Severe stitching pain in right eye and orbit; stiffness in muscles, pain worse when turning the eyes; begins at sunrise, worse at noon and leaves at sunset.
  • Rheumatism: pains intense, change places suddenly going from joint to joint; joint hot, red, swollen; worse from least movement.
  • Rheumatism: Joints, red, swollen, & painful, shifting pain going from one joint to another suddenly
  • Vertigo when stooping or looking down.
  • Pulse slow, scarcely perceptible (35 to 40 per minute); pale face and cold extremities.
  • Increased frequency of urination with pain in the lower back. 
  • Heart complaints developed from or alternate with rheumatism
  • Vertigo when stooping or looking down
  • Difficulty in vision. Unable to move the eyes from the pains. Pain worse by movement.
  • Sensation of fluttering of the heart with anxiety and palpitation. Complaints in chronic tobacco abusers.
  • Albuminuria; with pains in lower limbs. Frequent urination of large quantity of yellow urine; better headache.


  • Worse: Lying on left side. Bending forward. Looking down. Heat; of sun. Becoming cold. With the sun. Sunrise to sunset. Stooping. During leucorrhoea.
  • Better: Eating Cloudy weather. Continued motion. Recumbent posture.

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