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Adel Lycopus Virginicus30 CH (10 ml)

Adel Lycopus Virginicus 30 CH (10 ml)

Cough, Headache, Sore Throat, Testicle Pain, Restlessness, Gas, Nausea, Lowers BP & Goitre


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:                   Drops

Common Name: Bugle-weed

A HEART REMEDY; lowers the blood pressure, reduces the rate of heart and increases the length of systole. Heart with many side symptoms, or associated with RAPID TUMULTUOUS HEART BEATS. Haemorrhages due to valvular heart diseases; or passive, from nose, piles, lungs etc. Shifting pains, from heart to eyes; head to heart; from heart to wrist etc. Toxic goitre. Ill effects of suppressed haemorrhoidal flow.

Aneurism. Bites of reptiles. Bright's disease. Cough. Diabetes. Exophthalmos. Hæmoptysis. Headache. Heart, diseases of. Pericarditis. Phthisis. Snake-bites. Tarentula bites. Typho-malarial fever.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Face: Brownish-yellow; expressionless; during menses; bloated.
  • Increased pulse especially in case of smokers. Pain in chest with sensation of constriction and tenderness. 
  • Unable to sleep from over activity of the mind.
  • Palpitation from nervous irritation, with oppression around heart.
  • Profuse flow of limpid, watery urine, especially when the heart is most irritable; also scanty urine.
  • Cough with haemoptysis and feeble weak heart. Heart cough. Deep, violent cough in the evening, and night without waking. Sweetish expectoration.
  • Frontal headache; worse, frontal eminences; often succeeded by labored heart.
  • Acute aching in testicles while sitting, 1 p.m., or with occasional darting pains, changing to right then left after rising; from right to left then both, with aching in inguinal canal.
  • Eructations taste of tea. Diarrhoea in jaundice; from weakness of heart.
  • Drinks large quantity of water and passes large quantity of urine; with irritability of the heart.
  • Action tumultuous, violent; excessively rapid, stormy. Laboured heart at night. Palpitation and cardiac distress worse when thinking of it. Oppression at heart; pains, sore, aching, constricted. Pulse; large, full, soft, slow, weak, irregular, intermittent; does not synchronize with heart.
  • Sleep restless, full of troublesome dreams. Wakeful on retiring, though fatigued.
  • Rheumatoid pains: scapular muscle; lower dorsal region; sent from apex of heart by friction to left subscapular region, then to mid-dorsal and later to apex. Severe continuous aching in lumbar region.


  • Worse: Excitement. Exertion. Heat. After sleep. Lying on right side. Abuse of heart remedies. Suppressions. Thinking of it.

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