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Allen A48 Spondylitis Drops (30 ml)

Allen A48 Spondylitis Drops (30 ml)

For Cervical Spondolysis, Pain and Stiffness of Neck,


₹170 ₹168
1.18 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:              Drops

Weight:          75 (gms)

 Painful swelling in cervical nerves, jerking and twitching of muscles, acts on periosteum and cartilages.

  • Conium Maculatum: Ill-effects of bruises and shocks to the spine. Pain worse on walking on an uneven surface. Vertigo from moving the head sideways.
  • Colocynthis: Pains come suddenly, go suddenly. Spasmodic, Crampy, tearing part. Neuralgic pains, cutting and pinching.
  • Hypericum Perforatum: Pain on account of injuries to the spine, pain shoots up with local soreness when injuries are in the upper portion. Burning pain.
  • Ledum Palustre: Pain begins in the feet and travels upwards.
  • Ruta Graveolens: Backache, relieved by lying on the back. This remedy has a special affinity for fibrous tissue, flexor tendors, joints, ankles, wrists, cartilage and periosteum.
  • Cuprum Metallicum: Spasmodic, violent, contractive and intermitting pain.
  • Dulcamara: Pain in neck on account of exposure to cold, damp weather, sudden change in hot weather. Stiffness, numbness, aching, soreness of muscles on every exposure to cold, especially of back and loins.

Take 8 to 10 drops in half-cup of water 3 times a day before meal or as prescribed by the physician

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