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Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drops (30 ml)

Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drops (30 ml)

Tonsilitis, Pain in Throat, Sore Throat, Pharyngitis Lowers Mild to High Temperature


₹170 ₹167
1.76 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:              Drops

Weight:          75 (gms)

Painful swallowing, swollen usually on right side, inflammation of throat. Acts intensely on lymphatic glands.

  • Belladonna: Enlarged tonsils with redness. Burning, dryness and a sense of constriction in the throat.
  • Phytolacca Decandra: Dark, red or bluish red throat. Tonsils swollen. Sensation of a lump in the throat. Throat feels rough, narrow and hot. Pseudomembranous exudation.
  • Apis Mellifica: Constricted, stinging pains. Uvula swollen, sac like. Puffy, fiery red tonsils.
  • Kali Bichromicum: Pseudomembranous deposits on the tonsils. Dry, rough throat.
  • Mercurius Iodatus Ruber: It is an excellent general remedy for tonsillitis, when there is inflammation and pain in the tonsils, worse right tonsil.
  • Calcarea Iodata: Follicular tonsillitis.

Take 8 to 10 drops in half-cup of water 3 times a day before meal or as prescribed by the physician

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