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Allen A85 Eosinophilia Drop (30 ml)

Allen A85 Eosinophilia Drop (30 ml)

Relieves Allergies of Nose, Throat, Lungs, Skin, lowers High ESR Level


₹170 ₹165
2.94 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:              Drops

Weight:          75 (gms)

Abnormal accumulation of eosinophils in the blood or any tissue. Symptoms includes skin allergy, cough, frequent cold attack, throat irritation, bone pain or tenderness, joint contractures and muscle weakness.

  • Aconitum Napelles: Eosinophilia with mental anxiety, restlessness, fear and thirst.
  • Allium Cepa: Eosinophilia with marked respiratory symptoms. Coryza with acrid, nasal discharge and laryngeal symptoms.
  • Antimonium Tartaricum: Stimulates the oxidizing action of the protective substance to kill parasites. It is suited in eosinophilia with respiratory symptoms. Rattling of mucus with little expectoration is a guiding symptom.
  • Arsenicum Album: Eosinophilia associated with fever, respiratory symptoms 
  • Bryonia Alba: Eosinophilia with fevers and respiratory symptoms. 
  • Calcarea Carbonica: Suited to scrofulous constitutions who take cold easily with increased mucoid secretions. 
  • Drosera Rotundifolia: Mostly for pulmonary eosinophilia with its typical respiratory symptoms.
  • Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum: Suits especially the scrofulous and lymphatic constitutions.
  • Veratrum Viride: Eosinophilia with pulmonary congestions with difficulty in breathing. 
  • Kali Carbonicum: Pulmonary eosinophilia. Dry hard cough, with stitching pains and dryness of the pharynx.
  • Mercurius Solibilis: Lymphatic system is affected with affections of all organs.
  • Sambucus Nigra: Eosinophilia with respiratory symptoms. Loose choking cough.
  • Ipecacuanha: Eosinophilia with constant nausea and thirstlessness.

Take 50 drops in half-cup of water, 4 times a day for 4 days or as prescribed by the physician

After 4 days, take 30 Drops, 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

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