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Bakson's B63 Kidney Drops (30 ml)

Bakson's B63 Kidney Drops (30 ml)

For Pain in Kidneys, Albuminuria, Proteinuria,Dribbling urination


₹200 ₹146
27.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:              Drops

Weight:           90 (gms)

For exhaustion, backache, pain in the region of kidneys, Albuminuria, Proteinuria & other associated symptoms of Kidney disorders.

Helonias dioica : Sensation of weakness, dragging and weight in the sacrum and pelvis, Constant aching and tenderness over kidneys. albuminous, aching and burning across the lumbar region.

Kalium arsenicosum : Restless and anemic with urinary complaints.Chronic nephritis with oedema; Heart pathology. Urine scanty with pellicle.

Phosphorus :  Burning in back; pain as if broken, Turbid, brown urine with red sediment. Sugar in urine. Albuminuria.

Plumbum metallicum : Urine scanty. Tenesmus of bladder. Emission drop by drop.Chronic nephritis with oedema; Heart pathology. Urine scanty with pellicle.

10-15 drops in water 3 times daily before meals. In acute cases take dose 2 hourly, 6 times a day. Once improvement starts revert to normal dosage or as prescribed by the physician 

Acute and chronic Nephritis : B6 & B1.
In kidney-stones : B14 
Prostate affections Adenomas associated with Cystitis : B13 and Bakson Homoeopathic Formula P Tablets.

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