Cough, Cold, Cholesterol, Short Breath, Ringworm, & Heart Disease
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Capsule
Weight: 70 (gms)
Great health benefits associated with odourless garlic supplements are, that they have been proven to provide benefits for the heart. They reduce blood pressure, help to reduce harmful LDL cholesterol, prevent hardening of the arteries and boost circulation. What's more, it even helps to reduce platelet stickiness within the blood, meaning that sticky platelets will be unable to clog the arteries.Garlic is also excellent in the handling of body fat and, is acknowledged as one of the most effective means of reducing fat in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program. It boosts immunity, improves digestion and counters hyperthyroid condition thus providing wholesome health
1 capsule daily before 1 hour of meal or as prescribed by the physician
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