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Bakson's Kali Bromatum30 CH (30 ml)

Bakson's Kali Bromatum 30 CH (30 ml)

Lowers Temperature, Acne with Scars, Psoriasis, Convulsions, Fidgety, Epilepsy & Stammering


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Form:                  Drops

Common Name: Bromide of Potash

It specially affects the MUCOUS MEMBRANES of the air passages; NOSE; pharynx, stomach and duodenum  producing ADHESIVE; STICKY; STRINGY; tough, lumpy or thick discharges. Diseased conditions progress slowly but deeply; causing great weakness bordering on paralysis but little fever. Plastic or fibrous exudations spread downwards. It is adapted to fat, fair, fleshy, light complexioned persons, subject to catarrhs or with syphilitic or scrofulous history. Pains occur in small spots or migrate quickly from place to place; and finally attack the stomach. Rheumatic and gastric symptoms alternate. Diagonal pains. Ascending symptoms, gastric pains, chills, heat etc. Formation of crusts on mucous membranes and skin. Ulcers; with dark dots; deep; perforating, round, punched out; with over-hanging edges or thick crusts. Septal or peptic ulcers. Sensation of heaviness in different parts. As if a hair on tongue, in nostrils etc. Yellowness; of discharges, eyes, vision, tongue etc. Sharp stitching pains. Itching internally in vagina, ear, lungs etc. Cracking of joints. Indolent or sluggish reaction, in many conditions, ulcers, inflammations etc. Affections of root of the nose, tongue, penis etc. Stubborn suppurations. Plugs of pus; stringy. Ill effects from indulgence in beer and malt liquor. Neuralgia, daily at the same hour. Sickly, chilly and cachetic. Biting like bugs. Membranes look furred. Pains appear and disappear suddenly. Epilepsy; ropy saliva from mouth during convulsions. Weakness and weariness; after pains.

Acne. Aphasia. Apoplexy. Asthma. Cholera infantum. Chordee. Colic. Diabetes. Emissions. Epilepsy. Erythema nodosum. General paralysis of insane. Haemorrhoids. Impotence. Laryngeal crises. Laryngismus. Locomotor ataxy. Nightmare. Nose, eruption on. Ovaries, affections of. Paralysis. Paralysis agitans. Polypus (rectal). Psoriasis. Screaming. Sebaceous cysts. Seborrhoea. Self-abuse. Sensibility, loss of. Sleeplessness. Somnambulism. Speech, affections of. Syphilis. Tetanus. Urine, incontinence of.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Adapted to large persons inclined to obesity; acts better in children than in adults.
  • Loss of sensibility, fauces, larynx, urethra, entire body; staggering, uncertain gait; feels as if legs were all over sidewalk.
  • Nervous, restless; cannot sit still, must move about or keep occupied; hands and fingers in constant motion, fidgety hands,twitching of fingers.
  • Fits of uncontrollable weeping and profound melancholic delusions.
  • Loss of memory, forfets how to talk, absent-minded; has to be told the word before he could speak it.
  • Depressed, low-spirited, anxious, "feel as if they would lose their minds." Inco-ordination of muscles; nervous weakness or paralysis of motion and numbness.
  • Restlessness and sleeplessness due to worry and grief, loss of property or reputation, from business embarassement. Night terrors of children, grinding teeth in sleep, screams, moans, cries; horrible dreams, cannot be comforted by friends. Somnambulism.
  • Spasms: from fright, anger or emotional causes in nervous plethoric persons; during parturition, teething, whooping-cough, Bright's disease.
  • Epilepsy: congenital, syphilitic, tubercular; usually a day or two before menses; at new moon; headache follows attack.
  • Cholera infantum, with reflex irritation of brain, before effusion; first stage of hydrocephaloid.
  • Daily colic in infants about 5 a. m.
  • Nervous cough during pregnancy; dry, hard, almost incessant, threatening abortion.
  • Stammering; slow, difficult speech.
  • Acne: simplex, indurata, rosacea; bluish-red, pustular, on face, chest, shoulders; leaves unsightly scars; in young fleshy persons of gross habits.
  • Loss of memory, forgets how to talk, absentmined
  • Suicidal mania with tremulousness.
  • Effects of sexual excesses, especially loss of memory, impaired co-ordination, numbness and tingling in limbs. Sexual excitement during partial slumber.
  • Reflex cough during pregnancy. Dry, fatiguing, hacking cough at night.
  • Restlessness & sleeplessness due to worry & grief, loss of property or reputation from business embarrasmennt
  • Green, watery stools with intense thirst, vomiting, eyes sunken. Diarrhœa, with much blood


  • Better: when occupied mentally or physically.
  • Worse: Mental exertion. Emotions anger, fright, worry. Grief. Periodically; night, 2 a.m. Summer; new moon. Sexual excess. Puberty. Unsatisfied sexual desire.

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