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Bakson's Ustilago Maydis30 CH (30 ml)

Bakson's Ustilago Maydis 30 CH (30 ml)

Menstrual Headache, Breast Pain, Hairfall, Nails, Haemorrhages, Scaly Scalp & Pus


Available Potency/Weight :
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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Corn-smut.

It affects the female sexual organs; skin, hair and nails. Congestive, passive or slow bleeding or in clots; blood, dark, but watery. Dark haemorrhages. As of a knot; in uterus, bowels, throat etc. Loss of hair and nails. Prostration from sexual abuse. Adapted to tall, thin women; at climaxis. Congestion to various parts, especially at climacteric conditions. White or yellowish scales on children scalp.

Agalactia. Alopecia. Climaxis. Dysmenorrhoea. Fibroma. Galactorrhoea. Headache, menstrual. Masturbation. Menorrhagia, at climaxis. Menstruation, excessive; vicarious. Nails, affections of. Orchitis. Ovary, left, affections of. Rhinitis. Scald-head. Tonsillitis.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Great depression of spirits. Weeps frequently.
  • Dull pain in lumbar region with great despondency and mental irritability.
  • Uncontrollable masturbation.
  • Excessive involuntary ejaculation with erotic fancies and amorous dreams. Emissions with irresistible tendency to masturbation.
  • Skin dry; eczema; copper-colored spots. 
  • Vertigo; with white spots before the eyes; at climaxis; with profuse menses.
  • Nervous headache from menstrual irregularities. 
  • Pain as if intestines were tied in a knot, colicky pain better by hard stools, or constipation.
  • Emissions; every night and even when talking to a woman.
  • Vicarious menstruation, from lungs and bowels.
  • Menses; half liquid half clotted; bright red; worse : slightest provocation. 
  • Foul, yellow or brown leucorrhoea. Pain under left breast; at margin or ribs, between periods; constant. 
  • Sensation of boiling water flowing along the back.


  • Worse: Climacteric. Touch. Motion.

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