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Bhandari Batch Flower Cerato (30 ml)

Bhandari Batch Flower Cerato (30 ml)

Low confidence, cannot take decision, Quiet and foolish



Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:         Drops

Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. They constantly seek advice from others and are often misguided.

  • Doubts own ability.
  • Seeks advice from one and all, often influenced and misguided by advice of others which can cause dissatisfaction but needs their attention.
  • Lacks confidence in own judgment.
  • Distrusts own convictions. Changeable. Foolish.
  • Talkative. Always asking questions.
  • Has tendency to imitate.

Take 20 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

When they make a decision they question it and often ask the opinion or advice of others as a form of reassurance and confirmation. Bach Flower Cerato people can be swayed by the thoughts and ideas of those whose opinion they seek and as a result may take the wrong path. They may say, "I knew, I should have done so and so", or, they might ask the advice of every friend, asking, "What shall I do?", "What would you do if you were me?", and then having absorbed all the answers decide to do it their own way after all. Bach Flower Cerato people waste so much time in making a decision and because of this habit, they may miss out on many opportunities. Bach Flower Cerato personality in short lacks confidence in their judgment; once they have made up their mind, they do have the confidence to take up the challenge and often succeed.

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