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Bhandari Batch Flower Wild Rose (30 ml)

Bhandari Batch Flower Wild Rose (30 ml)

Loss of Motivation, Confidence, No Ambition, Unhappy, Sad & Apathy


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:         Drops


Those who without apparently sufficient reason become resigned to all that happens, and just glide through life, take it as it is, without any effort to improve things and find some joy. They have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint.

  • Resigned to illness, monotony, uncongenial work. Too apathetic to get well, to change occupation or to enjoy simple pleasures, despite to do so lies in their hands. Drifter.
  • Resignation - surrender. "I must learn to live with it". It is in the family so I must expect to suffer". Believes a condition is incurable.
  • Fails to realize she has actually created makes a dull companion. May have monotonous expressionless voice.

Take 20 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician


Bach Flower Wild Rose person does not have the enthusiasm or ambition to change anything in life and therefore drifts along without effort or motivation. They are inclined to become apathetic and resigned to all that happens, quietly accepting whatever lies in store for them. If misfortune occurs, they will say "oh well, that's life". These people are "happy as they are", do not like change and may therefore pass up many opportunities because too much effort is required of them. They are passive people and easily surrender to the struggle of life. If they become ill they will give in to their illness and if this should cause some disability will meekly submit to "having to live with it". The Bach Flower Wild Rose state can be one of emotional flatness, feeling neither happy nor sad, excited nor depressed, and can therefore lack vital energy and sparkle. It helps these people to revive their inner zest for life so that although they will remain happy to sail along on the current of life, they do so with contended awareness instead of disinterest.


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