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Dr. Reckeweg Natrum Sulphuricum6X (20 gm)

Dr. Reckeweg Natrum Sulphuricum 6X (20 gm)

For Uric acid, Breathlessness, High Cholesterol, Dry skin, Swellings


₹200 ₹194
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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Tablets

Common Name: Sodium Sulphate

It is a remedy for hydrogenoid constitutions; where complaints are such as due to living in damp houses; basements, cellars; patients cannot eat even plants growing near water, nor fish. It specially affects OCCIPUT and LIVER, Pancreas. Sudden violent effects; in ailing patients. Piercing pains; at short ribs (left); in hip (left) worse rising or sitting down. Yellow; watery, secretions, stools, skin, vesicles etc. Thick yellow green pus. Fulness. Sour, bilious and lithaemic. Sycosis. Pains worse thinking of them. Epilepsy, or Petit mal, after head injuries. Suppressed gonorrhoea. Dropsy. Fistulous abscesses. Mental troubles arising from a fall or other injuries to head. Trembling.

Asthma. Biliousness. Brain, injuries of. Condylomata. Debility; of drunkards. Diabetes. Dyspepsia; of drunkards. Enuresis. Epilepsy; traumatic. Epistaxis (menstrual). Fistulous abscesses. Gonorrhoea. Headache. Hydraemia. Influenza. Leucaemia. Liver, enlarged. Malaria. Migraine. Nephritic scarlatina. Ophthalmia. Panaritium. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Photophobia. Phthisis. Sciatica. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Spleen, affections of. Sycosis. Warts.

4-6  tablets, 4 times a day, or as prescribed by the physician

  • Ailments which are worse by, or which depend upon, dampness of weather, damp houses or cellars
  • Patient feets every change from dry to wet; cannot tolerate sea air, nor eat plants that thrive near water; a constitution in which gonorrhoeal poison is most pernicious; recovers slowly from every sickness.
  • Every spring, skin affections reappear
  • Inability to think
  • Sad, gloomy, irritable; worse in mornings; dislikes to speak or be spoken to
  • Depressed; lively music makes her sad; satiety of like; must use great self-control to prevent shooting himself.
  • Mental traumatism; mental effects from injuries to head; chronic brain effects of blows, falls.
  • Granular lids: like small blisters; green pus and terrible photophobia; gonorrhoeal or sycotic.
  • Nosebleed during menses
  • Toothache better by cold water, cool air
  • Dirty, greenish-gray or brown coating on tongue.
  • Diarrhoea: sudden, urging, gushing, much flatus; on first rising and standing on the feet; after a spell of wet weather; living on working in basements.
  • Gonorrhoea: greenish-yellow, painless, thick discharge; chronic or suppressed
  • Dyspnoea; desire to take a deep breath during damp, cloudy weather.
  • Humid asthma in children; with every change to wet weather; with every fresh cold; always worse in damp, rainy weather; sputa green, greenish, copious
  • Sycotic pneumonia; lower lobe of left lung; great soreness of chest, during cough, has to sit up in bed and hold the chest with both hands
  • Spinal meningitis: violent crushing gnawing pains at base of brain; head drawn back; spasms with mental irritability and delirium; violent congestion of blood to head; delirium; opisthotonos.
  • Syptoms worse by dampness of weather, in damp house & cellers
  • Thick, yellowish & greenish discharges.
  • Constant desire to take deep & long breath in wet weather 
  • Burning thirs for very cold drinks, especially in evening.
  • Dry cough excited by tickling in throat with roughness of trachea.


  • Worse: music (makes her sad); lying on left side; dampness of basement, damp weather.
  • Better: dry weather, pressure, changing position.

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