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Dr. Reckeweg Ocimum Canum30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Ocimum Canum 30 CH (11 ml)

Albuminuria, painful urine, glandular swelling, Itching, Uric acid, Renal Colic


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:                   Drops

Common Name: Brazilian Alfavaca

This remedy is useful in diseases of kidneys, uterus, bladder and urethra. Symptoms of renal colic esp. of right side are pronounced. Sore pain in ureters. Renal colic with haematuria and violent vomiting; with wringing of hands, moaning and crying, all the time. Red sand in urine; which may be of saffron colour and of musk like odour. Swollen inguinal and mammary glands. Nipples painful to least contact. Vaginal prolapse. Urine scanty; which aggravates.

Albuminuria. Breasts, painful. Bubo. Calculus, renal, passage of. Diarrhoea. Gravel. Kidneys, diseases of. Renal colic. Urine, abnormal. Vagina, prolapse of.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Urine: High acidity, formation of spike crystals of uric acid. Turbid, thick, purulent, bloody; brick-dust red or yellow sediment. Odor of musk.

  • Heat and swelling of the left testicles.

  • Renal colic, with violent vomiting, burning during micturition 

  • Excessive sensitiveness of the breasts and pain on nursing

  • Swelling of the inguinal glands.

  • Crampy pain in the kidneys.

  • Dreams about being poisoned. Dreams about her parents, friends, children.

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