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Dr. Reckeweg Pancreatinum 3X (20g)

Dr. Reckeweg Pancreatinum 3X (20g)

Used in Faulty Action of the Pancreas, digestion, loose motions, Diabetes, Mumps



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Form:                  Tablets

Common Name: Extract of Pancreatic and Salivary Glands of Ox or Sheep

It is clinically indicated in diabetes and pancreatic disorders. It is given in case of diarrhea and gout. It is mainly indicated in glandular affections especially the pancreas and salivary glands causing diabetes and mumps. This remedy has been used with success in conditions due to faulty action of pancreas.

Diabetes, pancreatic. Diarrhœa. Mumps. Gout. Pancreas, disease of.

2 to 4 tablets 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Indicated in intestinal indigestion; flatulence.
  • Pain in the stomach after an hour or more after eating. 
  • For complaints of loose motion, lienteric diarrhoea Pancreatinum gives good results.
  • Digestion problems after removal pf pancreas or ineffective work from the pancreas.
  • It is used in conditions,due to disease or faulty action of pancreas.

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