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Dr. Reckeweg R4 Enterocolin (22 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg R4 Enterocolin (22 ml)

Useful in Loose Motions, Nausea, Vomitting, weakness


₹285 ₹274
3.86 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:              Drops

Weight:            69 (gms)

Acute and chronic gastro-entero-colitis of all types. Summer diarrhoea after a chill or faulty diet. Intestinal catarrh, intestinal influenza, diarrhoea with fever, typhoid fever, dysentery.

Acidum phosphoricum: Typhoid fever, sleeplessness, acute and chronic diarrhoea. Choleraic diarrhoea as if rectum remained open.Chronic diarrhoea, thin and greenish, almost involuntary with gastric irritability. In evening great discharge of garlic-smelling flatus; great yawning.

Baptisia: Diarrhoea with much mucus, dull headache, fever, brown coated tongue, swollen body. Dysentery: rigors, pains in limbs and small of back; stools small, all blood, not very dark but thick; tenesmus; great prostration, brown tongue, low fever; in autumn or in hot weather

Chamomilla: Aqueous or greenish stools after a chill, colics. Diarrhoea during dentition (green mucus).-Diarrhoea from cold, from anger, from chagrin.Diarrhoea chiefly at, night, with spasmodic colic, mostly with slimy, and whitish or watery, or yellowish and greenish faeces, or mucus mingled with excrement, like eggs when beaten up; or hot corrosive faeces, of a fetid odour, like rotten eggs; or evacuation of undigested substances.

Chininum arsenicosum: Bactericidal, diarrhoea with fever, general exhaustion and asthenia. Stool pappy; watery, fetid.Stool, fecal, with mucus and blood, preceded and followed by tenesmus.

Colocynthis: Dysenteric stools with violent intestinal spasms. Loose evacuations of a greenish yellow, frothy and of a sour smell, putrid or mouldy.-Slimy diarrhoea.-Sanguineous evacuations.-Dysenterical evacuations, with colic.

Ferrum phosphoricum: Watery diarrhoea with strong flatulence. Remedy for fever and inflammation. Chronic diarrhoea; yellow, watery (with pneumonia). Lienteria from relaxation of intestinal muscles. Dark green stools, odourless.Hot flatus.Dysentery with violent fever; fever continues < from pressure on stomach; no tenesmus.Summer diarrhoea, stools green, watery, or hashed, mixed with mucus, scanty, straining at stool; also retching, child rolls its head and moans, eyes half open.-Stools pure blood; bloody mucus or slime; < midnight to morning.

Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus: Glairy and blood-tinged stools, exhausting colics and tenacious tenesmus. Diarrhoea; yellow, green, bilious, bloody; with membranous shreds; of faeces with mucus and dark clotted blood. Stool pasty, dark green, bilious, blackish, offensive.

Oleander: Explosive pultaceous stools, colicky intestinal cramps, undigested stools. First diarrhoea, then hard, difficult stools; during pregnancy. Evacuation of the food which he had taken on the previous day. Involuntary stools; in children when passing flatus (every time they pass wind they soil the diaper).

Rhus toxicodendron: Watery diarrhoea, mucohaemorrhagic, restlessness, drowsiness. Result of getting wet. Dysentery; jelly-like, odourless stools, more frequent after midnight, preceded and followed by much pain with great restlessness.-Obstinate or dysenteric diarrhoea.Faeces perfectly white. Nocturnal diarrhoea, with violent colic, headache, and pains in all limbs (> after an evacuation or when lying on abdomen).Chronic painless diarrhoea, only in morning preceded by marked commotion in the bowels.Diarrhoea with tearing pains running down back of the leg with every stool.Involuntary stools when asleep at night.

Veratrum album: Vomiting and diarrhoea with violent shivering and collapse. Diarrhoea in summer. Diarrhœa, very painful, watery, copious, watery and forcibly evacuated, followed by great prostration. Evacuations of cholera morbus and true cholera when vomiting accompanies the purging.

  •  In acute fever, every 1/4 - 1 hour, 20 drops undiluted. When improving, generally after 1-2 days, reduce the dose to 10-15 drops every 1-2 hours. - It is advisable to continue the treatment for about a week at the rate of 10-15 drops, 3 times a day, before meals, until complete recovery or as prescribed by the physician 

  •  In ordinary diarrhoea, without fever, according to graveness 10-15 drops every 1-3 hours or as prescribed by the physician 

  •  In typhoid fever, without intestinal disturbances, 10-15 drops every 1-2 hours or as prescribed by the physician 

  •  In chronic diarrhoea, 3 times a day 10-15 drops before meals or as prescribed by the physician 

  •  In long standing cases with low vitality and poor reactivity additionally R26, 10-15 drops once daily. 
  •  In intestinal spasms: additionally R37.
  •  During convalescence: Vita-C15.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am suffering from gastritis and IBS , Can I take this medicine? For how long do I need to take?

    R5 is useful in complaints of gastritis and IBS problems. You can take it for atleast a period of 2 to3 months.
  • I am having gallstone, also suffering from acidity and heart burn. Will R7 alone cure it or do I need to take both R7 and R5?

    The complaints of acidity and heartburn can be caused due to gallstone, as due to obstruction there can be several other symptoms as well. You can take R7 for the complaints as it will help to relieve.
  • Can i have it directly on tongue?

    No, please do not use it directly on tongue
  • My Friend have colitis and gas trouble, there is bloating of stomach and constipation. Can I take R5?

    Yes, R5 is helpful in complaints related to stomach and Reduces Burning pain in stomach, vomiting, acidity, gas troubles. Take 10-15 drops in a half cup of water three times a day before or after the meal.

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