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 HD-11 Exam Fear (2 Bottles of 2 Dram)

HD-11 Exam Fear (2 Bottles of 2 Dram)

Excessive and Frequent Urination, Weakness

₹350 ₹315
10.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:    Pills


Dr. Roma’s Homeopathy HD-11 may help managing sweating, fear, panic attacks, increased heartbeat, before exam. It also helps in managing stage fear.  Key Benefits:
• It is safe and does not have side effects
• The medicines are in the pill form and not liquid, which makes them easy to carry
• These pills have a long shelf life
• It may help in managing sweating, fear, panic attacks, increased heartbeat, before exam. It also helps in managing stage fear.

Fweating, fear, Panic Attacks, Increased Heartbeat


 Take 6 pills at a time on the lid of the bottle and consume or as Prescribed by the Physician.

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