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REPL Pilelex (30 ml)

REPL Pilelex (30 ml)

Beneficial in gastric ulcer, pain in stomach , nausea, vomiting & diarrhoea


₹199 ₹189
5.03 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:            Drops

Weight:          50 (gms)

Gives relief in painful & bleeding Piles. It is very much effective in swollen Piles, constipation, with heavy pressure in the lower part of the abdomen, constipation with violent rectal pain, bleeding & burning in anus, tearing / violent pain during & after stool, itching in the anus, internal blind piles, frequently with pain in back and diarrhea with jaundice. 

  1. Muriatic Acid:  It is indicated for Haemorrhoids which is most sensitive to all touch; even sheet of toilet paper is painful. Anal itching and prolapsus ani while urinating. Haemorrhoids during pregnancy; bluish, hot with violent stitches. 
  2. Hamamelis Virginiana:  Anus feels sore and raw. Haemorrhoids, bleeding profusely, with soreness. 
  3. Aesculus Hipp. :  Haemorrhoids, with sharp shooting pains up the back; blind and bleeding; worse during climacteric.  
  4. Nux vomica:  Constriction of rectum relieved by it. 
  5. Aloe Soc:  Hæmorrhoids protrude like grapes; very sore and tender; better cold water application. Burning in anus and rectum 
  6. Calcarea Fluor: It is indicated in  Itching of anus. Fissure of the anus, and intensely sore crack near the lower end of the bowel. Bleeding haemorrhoids. Itching of anus as from pin-worms. Internal or blind piles frequently, with pain in back, generally far down on the sacrum, and constipation. 
  7. Collinsonia:  Painful bleeding piles is relieved by it.
  8. Acid nitricum:  Indicated for Haemorrhages from bowels, profuse, bright. Prolapsus ani. Haemorrhoids bleed easily. 
  9. Paeonia off : It is indicated for in  Biting, itching in anus; orifice swollen. Burning in anus after stool; then internal chilliness. Fistula ani, diarrh?a, with anal burning and internal chilliness. Painful ulcer, oozing offensive moisture on perineum. Haemorrhoids, fissures, ulceration of anus and perineum, purple, covered with crusts 
  10. Thuja occ : Indicated in Piles swollen; pain worse sitting, with stitching, burning pains at the anus. Anus fissured; painful to touch with warts. 

Add 15-20 drops of the medicine on one-fourth cup of water, and have it one or two or three times a day depending on the requirement after half an hour of having a meal or as prescribed by the Physician

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