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SBL Glonoinum30 CH (100 ml)

SBL Glonoinum 30 CH (100 ml)

For Sun Headache, albuminous urine, Menopause, convulsions, weakness, meningitis


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                    Drops

Common Name:  Nitro-glycerine

Its action is quick and violent; with bursting and expansion; a tempestuous remedy. It acts upon the CIRCULATION where it causes VIOLENT PULSATIONS, EBULLITIONS and irregular congestions. BLOOD RUSHES UPWARDS. General pulsations; with numbness. Bursting, expansion or enlarged (or even being smaller), feeling in different organs; eyes; head; tongue etc. Pains that come long after injuries. Convulsions; epileptiform, from cerebral congestion or suppressed menses. Burning in small areas or single parts. Clothing seems tight. Ill effects of sun heat, bright snow; fire heat; fear or fright. Old scars break out again. Sunstroke. Apoplexy. Working under electric or gas light. Eclampsia. Sea-sickness. Walks in shade or with an umbrella. Great remedy for congestive headaches, hyperaemia (Increase blood supply) of the brain from excess of heat or cold. Excellent for the intracranial, climacteric disturbances, or due to menstrual suppression. Children get sick when sitting before an open fire. Surging of blood to head and heart. Tendency to sudden and violent irregularities of the circulation. Violent convulsions, associated with cerebral congestion. Sensation of pulsation throughout body. Pulsating pains. Cannot recognize localities. Seasickness.

Angina pectoris. Aphasia. Apoplexy. Brain, congestion of. Bright's disease. Convulsions. Epilepsy. Epistaxis. Fright, effects of. Goitre. Headache. Heart, affections of; palpitation of; jarring, effects of. Location, sense of, lost. Mania. Meningitis. Menses, suppression of. Neuralgia. Paralysis. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Sea-sickness. Snow-headache. Sun-headache. Sunstroke. Toothache. Trauma.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Bad effects of mental excitement, fright, fear, mechanical injuries and their later consequences; from having the hair cut.
  • Effects of sunstroke; heat on head, as in type-setters and workers under gas and electric light.
  • Head troubles: from working under gas-light, when heat falls on head; cannot bear heat about the head, heat of stove or walking under the sun.
  • Cerebral congestion, or alternate congestion of the head and heart.
  • Head feels enormously large, as if skull were too small for brain.
  • Sun stroke and Sun headaches; increases and decreases with the sun.
  • Terrific shock in head, synchronous with the pulse. Throbbing, pulsating headache; holds head with both hands; could not lie down, "the pillow would beat.". 
  • Brain feels too large, full, bursting, blood seems to be pumped upwards; throbs at every jar, step, pulse. Intense congestion of brain from delayed or suppressed menses; headache in place of menses.
  • See everything half light, half dark. Letters appear smaller. Sparks before eyes.
  • Corrects blurring and discomfort in eyes even after accurately adjusted glasses. 
  • Surging of blood to head & heart
  • Acute coryza, with dull headache and fever.
  • Sensation of emptiness and weakness at the pit of the stomach, or of an oppression, like a heavy load.
  • A feeling as if it were necessary to keep in motion, or else heart's action would cease. 
  • Cramp in muscles of forearm. Professional neuroses. Writer's cramp.
  • Scarlet fever with stupor and flushed face.
  • Menses delayed, or sudden cessation with congestion to head. Menopausal symptoms.
  • Violent palpitation, with throbbing in carotids; heart's action labored, oppressed; blood seems to rush to heart, and rapidly to head.
  • Convulsions of children from cerebral congestion; meningitis, during dentition
  • Children get sick in the evening when sitting before and open coal fire, or falling asleep there. Flushes of heat; at the climacteric; with the catmenia


  • Better: brandy.
  • Worse: in sun; exposure to sun-rays, gas, open fire; jar, stooping, having hair cut; peaches, stimulants; lying down; from 6 a.m. to noon; left side, touch of hat

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