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SBL Natrum Phosphoricum6X (25 gm)

SBL Natrum Phosphoricum 6X (25 gm)

For Acidity, Morning & Travel sickness, vomiting, Worms


₹110 ₹87
20.91 %off
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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:                   Tablets

Common Name: Phosphate of Soda

This remedy is useful for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid, as a result of too much sugar. It affects duodenum; bile ducts, mesenteric glands and genitals. SOURNESS; eructations, vomiting, stomach, stools, leucorrhoea; expectoration, sweats etc. Ailments with excess of acidity. Infants who have been fed to excess, with milk and sugar. Deep yellow, creamy; discharges. Debility. Pricking sensation. Tightness of muscles and tendons. Jaundice (1x Trit.). Oxaluria. Worms. Swelling of lymphatic glands. Ill effects of mental exertion or sexual vices or both. Marasmus of bottle fed babies. Trembling and palpitation from thunderstorms. Cracking in joints. Nervousness; tired feeling. Leucocytosis.

Acidity (infants). Conjunctivitis. Diabetes. Dyspepsia. Enteralgia. Erysipelas. Gastralgia. Glands, scrofulous swelling of. Goitre. Gout. Intertrigo. Leucocytosis. Leucorrhoea. Morphinomania. Phthisis. Post-nasal catarrh. Rheumatism. Scrofula. Sighing. Sterility. Threadworms. Urticaria. Worms.

4-6  tablets, 4 times a day, or as prescribed by the physician

  • Discharge of golden yellow, creamy matter from eyes
  • Flatulence with sour rising. 
  • Diarrhoea caused by excess of acidity, sour stools, sour smelling grean leafy jelly like masses of mucus
  • Crampy pains in hands while writing.
  • Leucorrhoea discharge creamy or honey coloured or acid & watery.
  • While at stool, sensation as if a marble dropped down descending colon. 
  • Semen; thin watery, smells like stale urine. Emissions followed by weak back and trembling of knees. 
  • Itching in various parts, esp. of ankles, even eczematous eruptions. Hives. Skin smooth red, shining.
  • Desire for strong tasting things; eggs, fried fish, beer which better. Aversion to bread and butter.
  • Trembling about heart worse going upstairs; after menses. Feeling as if a bubble started from heart and was forced through arteries. Heart pains are better when big toe pains. Heart pains alternating with rheumatic pains. Anxious palpitation, after a thunderstorm.
  • Small stool before breakfast, soft yet with effort; sudden urging while eating; afterwards, watery yellowish brown, painless stool. Large, soft stool, easily expelled, with feeling afterwards as if much remained behind
  • Blisters on tip of tongue. Yellow creamy coating at the base of tongue; on tonsils, or roof of mouth.
  • Sensation in ears as of water dropping from a height into a long round vessel.
  • Grinding of teeth; children. Pricking, numbness of whole mouth.

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