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Bakson's Anacardium Occidentale30 CH (30 ml)

Bakson's Anacardium Occidentale 30 CH (30 ml)

Warts, Corns, Erysipelas, Itching, Convulsion, Ringworm & Ulcers


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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Marking Nut

Family:                 Anacardiaceae

The effects of the Cashew nut are known through instances of poisoning. It acts powerfully on the skin, causing erysipelas, blisters, and swelling, and has been used as an antidote to Rhus poisoning. The juice has been used locally as an applications to corns, warts, hard excrescences, ringworms, and obstinate ulcers. This remedy is useful in disorders of nervous system with impaired memory, depression, irritability and weakening of all the senses. It causes weakness of memory and mind. General paralytic state. Tongue painfully swollen. Vesicular eruption, on face especially. Itching almost intolerable; umbilicated vesicles as in small-pox. The erysipelas spreads from left to right, and it cures erysipelas spreading from right to left.

Corns. Erysipelas. Imbecility. Itching. Paralysis. Rhus poisoning. Ringworm. Small-pox. Warts.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Tongue painfully swollen. Vesicular eruption, on face especially Itching almost intolerable, umbilicated vesicles as in small-pox.
  • The erysipelas spreads from left to right, and it relieves erysipelas spreading from right to left, Rhus t. is indicated in cases spreading left to right.
  • Weakness of memory with aversion to any kind of work. 
  • Inactive and sluggish intestinal movements with ineffectual urge and desire. Constricted sensation in the rectum with difficulty to pass the stools even when soft. Bleeding and painful haemorrhoids with itching in the anus.
  • Eruptions with severe itching and dryness with mental irritability. Reddish rashes, raised swellings and vesicular eruptions on the skin.


  • Worse: from hot application
  • Better:  from eating.

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