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Willmar Schwabe India Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 3X (20g)

Willmar Schwabe India Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 3X (20g)

Uterine swelling, Ovarian Cysts, Swelling of Testicles, warts on tongue



Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:                  Tablets

Common Name: Sodium Chloroaurate

This remedy has a most pronounced effect on the female organs, and most of its clinical application has been based thereon. Has more power over uterine tumors than any other remedy. Psoriasis syphilitica. Periosteal swelling on lower jaw. Swelling of testicle. High blood pressure due to disturbed function of nervous mechanism. Arterio-sclerosis Syphilitic ataxia.

Ascites. Carcinoma. Haemorrhoids. Hair, falling out. Headache. Hectic fever. Jaundice. Phthisis. Rhinoscleroma. Sycosis. Syphilis. Tongue, affections of. Tumours. Uterus, indurations of; scirrhus of. Warts.

2 to 4 tablets 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Burning of the tongue with stitching pains.
  • Palpitation in young girls with coldness in abdomen.
  • Chronic uterine discharge. Pelvis feels as if the uterus had filled it up.
  • Vaginal discharge with spasms of vagina. Uterus feels hard.
  • Ulceration of neck of womb and vagina.
  • Leucorrhœa, with spasmodic contraction of vagina.
  • Irregular heart-beats with anxiety and short breath, while sleeping.
  • Severe violent beats of the heart, with sensation of pressure while standing.
  • Intolerable itching all over body, sores followed by an eruption of little lumps, several covered with dark-looking scabs.

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