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Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea Hypophos 6X (20g)

Willmar Schwabe India Calcarea Hypophos 6X (20g)

For Abscesses, Anemia, Lowered Vitality, Low Appetite, Sweating profuse, Headache



Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                  Tablets

Common Name: Hypophosphite of Lime

Clinically it is indicated for chronic headache, congestion of lungs, affections of heart and blood vessels with excessive sweating. Dull, heavy pressure from whole top of head between frontal and occipital bones; pain generally increased with increasing depression. Great fulness and oppression round heart, fulness throughout thorax and head; veins of upper parts and upper extremities stand out like whipcords. Dyspnoea; must have air. Profuse sweat all over. Complete loss of muscular power with loss of desire to move. Pallor of skin.

Angina pectoris. Arteries, affections of. Asthma. Congestion. Headache. Paralysis. Sweating.

2 to 4 tablets 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Dull, heavy, pressing pain, across top of head, including whole of parietal bones, increasing gradually with mental depression increasing in proportion
  • Complete loss of muscular power, unable to rise from chair or move either arms or legs in the least. 
  • When the symptoms passes of, lips gets dry and cracked, as from fever with considerable thirst.
  • Total loss of all desire to move or make any muscular exertion, with inability to do so.
  • Limbs perfectly powerless; unable to rise from chair or move either arms or legs in the least; generally unable to speak except in a low monotone
  • Fever: Profuse sweat all over.-When the symptoms had passed off, lips were dry and cracked, as from fever; considerable thirst.

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