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Willmar Schwabe India Enukind (10 gm)

Willmar Schwabe India Enukind (10 gm)

Effective in Involuntary Urination in Children During Sleep & Bedwetting


₹120 ₹91
24.17 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:     Globules

Weight:  50 (gms)

 Effectively controls frequency of urination and checks nocturnal enuresis

Takes care of mental and physical debility due to nocturnal enuresis

Controls nervousness and irritability.

Ferrum phosphoricum: It is indicated for nocturnal enuresis from weakness of sphincter, child is pale and anaemic and has frequent desires to urinate. 

Atropinum: It has been found useful in frequent, scanty nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) in many cases. 

Acidum phosphoricum: Mental and physical debility of nervous origin are covered. 

Kreosotum: Indicated forinvoluntary urination during first part of the night. Urine is offensive. Wets bed at night, wakes with urge, but cannot retain urine. 

Staphysagaria: Nervousness with marked irritability affecting the genito urinary function resulting in involuntary urination frequent urge to urinate and the child passes urine frequently and is unable to retain urine, causing bedwetting are covered by this drug. 

Petroselinum sativum: It lowers the irritability of muscles controlling urination and thus improves the capacity to control the bladder. 

Tabacum: Weakness of sphincter is controlled thus minimising the annoying symptoms of bedwetting. 

Acute cases: 2-5 globules every half hour or as prescribed by the physician

Once the symptoms are reduced, 3 globules 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear or as prescribed by the physician

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