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Willmar Schwabe India Hydrophobinum (Lyssinum)200 CH (30 ml)

Willmar Schwabe India Hydrophobinum (Lyssinum) 200 CH (30 ml)

Dog Bites, Convulsions, Trembling, Headache, Sore Throat & Emission


Available Potency/Weight :
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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                  Drops

Common Name: Saliva of a Rabid Dog

It affects the nervous system, throat and sexual organs. Senses become overacute. Convulsions, spasms brought on by dazzling light or sight of running water. Aching in bones. Complaints from abnormal sexual desire. Primary medicine to be given in case of Dog or Animal bites. Ill effects of dog bite. Bluish discolouration of wounds. Trembling or quivering sensation throughout the whole body.

Bubo. Clairvoyance. Convulsions. Corns, pains in. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Fever. Hair, oiliness of. Headache. Hydrophobia. Hypersensitiveness. Landry's paralysis. Leucorrhoea. Lyssophobia. Mania. Nervousness. Neuralgia. esophagus, stricture of. Paralysis. Pregnancy, convulsions of; toothache of. Respiratory paralysis. Salivation. Satyriasis. Sciatica. Sunstroke. Tetanus. Ulcers. Uterus, prolapse of. Vaginismus. Wounds, too rapid healing of.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • The sight or sound of running water or pouring water aggravates all complaints.
  • Lyssophobia; fear of becoming mad.
  • Bluish discoloration of wounds.
  • Complaints resulting from abnormal sexual desire.
  • Mental emotion or mortifying news always makes him worse.
  • Cannot bear heat of sun.
  • Convulsions: from dazzling or reflected light from water or mirror; from even thinking of fluids of any kind; from slightest touch or current of air.
  • Headache: from bites of dogs, whether rabid or not; chronic, from mental emotion or exertion; worse by noise of running water or bright light.
  • Saliva; tough, ropy, viscid, frothy in mouth and throat, with constant spitting.
  • Sore throat, constant desire to swallow.  Difficulty in swallowing, even spasm of oesophagus from swallowing liquids; gagging when swallowing water.
  • No emission during coition.
  • Uterine sensitiveness; conscious of womb, feels prolapsed.
  • Desire for stool on hearing or seeing running water.
  • Profuse, watery stools, with pain in bowels; worse, evening.
  • Constant desire to urinate on seeing running water. urine scanty, cloudy, contains sugar.
  • Prolapsus uteri; many cases of years' standing cured.
  • Sensitiveness of vagina, rendering coition painful.


  • Worse: Sight or sound of water; bright dazzling light; carriage-riding.

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