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Study of Chapter Sensation and Complaints of BTPB

Study of Chapter Sensation and Complaints of BTPB

Full Name of the book: Therapeutic Pocket Book For Homoeopathic Physicians To Use At The Bedside And In The Study Of The Materia Medica
Author: Dr.Timothy Field Allen
Introduction: Dr.H.A.Roberts & Dr. Annie C Wilson
Publisher: B.Jain Publishers Pvt.Ltd , New Delhi
Year of Publishing: 1935
Reprint Edition : 1994
First Edition: 1846
Total pages: 503

Construction of the Repertory:

  • It is a combination of his 4 books as follows:
  • Repertory of antipsoric medicines –1832
  • Repertory of medicine which are not antipsoric-1835
  • Kinship of homoeopathic medicines -1836.
  • All the three masterpieces combined to form the therapeutic pocket book.

PHILOSOPHICAL BACKGROUND: The therapeutic pocket book is based on grouping of symptoms of Hahnemannian teachings based on Boenninghausen’s “doctrines” such as

  • Location
  • Sensation
  • Modalities
  • Concomitants


  • Doctrine of Analogy or Grand Generalisation
  • Doctrine of Concomitant
  • Evaluation of Remedies
  • Concordance


  • CAPITALS :  5 Marks (Grade I)
  • Bold            :  4 Marks (Grade II)
  • Italics          :  3 Marks (Grade III)
  • Roman         : 2 Marks (Grade IV)
  • (Roman)      : 1 Marks (Grade V)




Life History of Boenninghausen


  • Repertory uses
  • The art of the physician in taking the case
  • The philosophic background
  • Construction of the repertory
  • Introduction to different chapters
    • Mind & intellect
    • Parts of the body & organs
    • Sensations & Complaints
    • Sleep & Dreams
    • Fever
    • Alterations of the state of healt

                       -Aggravations according to Tim

                       -Aggravations according to Situations & Circumstances

                       -Amelioration by position & Circumstances

  • Relations of Remedies
  • Limitations of the Repertory
  • Adaptability
  • Use of the Analysis
  • Preface to the New American Eddition
  • Boenninghausen’s original preface

Sensations & Complaints In BTPB

In earlier editions the title was sensations, while in Dr Allen’s edition the name sensation and complaints. This section contains:

  1. Subjective symptoms in the way of true sensations
  2. Complaints or conditions and
  3. Objective symptoms and also a few locations.

No. of Rubrics:  825 Rubrics

No. of Pages:  94 Pages

Arrangement of Rubrics:  It is not divided sectionally, but follow alphabetically

No. of Sections: General




Under the Subjective Symptoms, there are many descriptions of discomfort, as well as the following rubrics:

  • Desire for open air
  • Aversion to open air
  • Intolerance of clothing
  • Inclination to lie down
  • Aversion to motion
  • Desire for motion
  • Restlessness
  • Sensitiveness to pain
  • Inclination to sit
  • Illusion to Touch
  • Dread of washing
  • Dread of water

The symptoms of Location are generalized or directional as follows:

  • Symptoms on Left side
  • Right side
  • Crosswise
  • Left Upper and Right Lower
  • Left Lower and Right Upper

The Symptoms covering Clinical Complaints are:

  • Apoplexy
  • Consumption
  • Convulsions
  • Dropsy
  • Emaciation
  • Tendency to take cold
  • Nervous excitement
  • Haemorrhage
  • Frozen limbs
  • Apparent death (Asphyxia)
  • Indurations
  • Inflammations
  • Paralysis

The Objective Symptoms are:

  • Blackness externally
  • Carpology
  • Clumsiness
  • Cracking of joints
  • Cyanosis

The Misplaced Rubrics are:

  • Air
  • Aversion to
  • Desire for open air
  • Frozen Limbs
  • Hair Falling & Nails in Skin

Certain Important Rubrics in this Chapter included are:

  • Apoplexy
  • Burns
  • Carphology
  • Carried desires to be (might have been given under Mind)
  • Chlorosis
  • Clothing Intolerance of
  • Cold tendency to take
  • Consumption in General
  • Convulsions
  • Cracking of Joints
  • Cyanosis
  • Dislocations
  • Dropsy Externally & Internally
  • Emaciation
  • External Parts, Drugs affecting
  • Faintness
  • Frozen limbs
  • Haemorrhage from Internal Parts
  • Hysteria
  • Immobility of Affected Parts
  • Indurations
  • Inflammations Externally, internally
  • Internal Parts, Drugs affecting
  • Labor – like Pains (same rubric can be seen under the Chapter
    Sexual organs)
  • Looked at, Aversion To Being (Misplaced – Might be given
    Under the Chapter Mind)
  • Motion Aversion, To
  • Mucus secretions Increased
  • Obesity
  • Pain Jumping from Place to Place
  • Paralysis – One sided
  • Polypus
  • Reeling
  • Restlessness
  • Retraction of Soft Parts
  • Scurvy
  • Sit Inclination to
  • Sprain from lifting
  • Ulcerative pain Externally
    – Internally
  • Washing, Dread of
  • Water, Dread of Whirling (Given in the Mind Chapter)
  • Glands:
    The main rubrics include;
  • Atrophy
  • Indurations
  • Inflammation
  • Injuries
  • Swelling
    – like knotted cords
  • Suppuration
  • Ulcers
  • Bones:

It includes the following important rubrics

  • Healing of Broken Bones
  • Inflammation
  • Caries
    -of periosteum
  • Necrosis
  • Softening
  • Skin:
  • Blood Sweating
  • Chilblains
  • Colour, Yellow
  • Corns
    – Horny
    – Sensitive
  • Desquamation
  • Eruptions
    – Carbuncles
    – Chicken Pox
    – Furuncle
    – Itch (Scabies)
    – Suppressed
    – With Maggots
    – Measles
    – Pimples
    – Small-Pox
    – Zoster
    – Condylomata
    – Cysts, Sebaceous
  • Extravasations
  • Gangrene
  • Hair of Head Falls Out
    – Beard
    – Moustache
  • Nails, Brittle
  • Sore, Becomes (Decubitus)
  • Stings of Insects
  • Tetter in General (Herpetic)
    – Ring Worm
  • Ulcers, Varicose
  • Wounds in General
    – Old Wounds Break Out
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